Raleigh, North Carolina
Post -Op Instructions for Renuvion
1) Rest for the first 12 hours. Mild daily activity for 2-3 days, then resume your normal activates as tolerated. You may
experience mild to moderate swelling and/or bruising for 1-2 weeks following your procedure.
2) Ice may be applied 2 hours after procedure to minimize swelling. Do not apply directly on skin. You may ice for 20
minutes intervals and remove for at least 20 minutes between applications.
3) Drainage from your incision sites may occur for several days. Wash incision sites with
warm soap and water.
4) Call the office if you notice any signs or symptoms of infection, such as; redness, increased pain, marked increased In
swelling, skin that is war/hot to touch or a fever of above 101 F.
5) No dietary restrictions, maintain a healthy diet. Be sure to drink plenty of water, to aid toxins exiting the body.
Therapeutic massage is beneficial to the healing process.
6) Avoid direct exposure to sunlight until surgical area is completely healed. Apply sunscreen
as directed.